Smart Railway Solution
Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft.
email: gayermark smartrailwaysolution.hu telefon: +36-20-5655123
Dear Future Partner,
The Smart Railway Solution Ltd. was established with the aim to provide assistance for railway companies and other organizations operating industrial tracks in Hungary. Today the list of our clients includes several railways, factories with own sidings, maintenance centres, repair workshops.
In recent years Smart Railway Solution Ltd., as an authorities accredited adult education centre, has attained a market leader position in railway education among non-associated service providers in Hungary. The experts trained by our company represent reliable workforce in various fields of railway and we also provide them with regular post-graduate training to remain updated.
Our service is geared for the specific needs of clients, by always meeting the requirements of the relevant regulations in force. Our staff members are highly qualified railway experts, engineers with considerable expertise and practical skill of the field.
One of our main activities is the organization of training, education and exams of staff working in railway traffic safety. The company’s other important area is railway engineering service and consulting. Our engineers (mechanical, traffic, track) are able to deal with any problem arising in these fields.
Major fields of service:
- Organizing basic training courses for drivers and other railway specialists,
- Regular upgrade courses and exams for railway employees,
- Model specific training for drivers,
- Editing route book and distributing them for the Hungarian network,
- Preparing instructions for educational and implementation purposes,
- Developing maintenance systems, preparing guidance,
- Preparation for licensing of rolling stock (both model and operation licensing),
- Other engineering services and related consulting.
We look forward to welcoming you among our partners.
| | Address: | | H-1125 Budapest, Galgóczy utca 59., Hungary | | |
| | Phone: | | +36-20-5655123 | | |
| | E-mail: | | gayermark@smartrailwaysolution.hu | | |
| | Web: | | www.smartrailwaysolution.hu | | |